1 - Histoire de darons, the podcast that gives dads a voice

At last, a podcast that gives dads a voice! In each episode, Fabrice Florent invites a father, famous or anonymous, to share his story about fatherhood. The episodes plunge us into the intimacy of the guest, who talks frankly and gets to the heart of the matter. Medical abortion, the difficulty of finding one's place as a father, being a stepfather before having children, divorce and children every other week... The subjects are diverse, varied and uninhibited. They may resonate with your own experience, as each guest scrutinizes and analyzes his or her feelings with complete honesty. A podcast that simply helps you understand them better. 

2 - Change ma vie, the podcast that gives tools for the mind

Mental workload, maternal guilt, finding your balance, feeling good about yourself... Sound familiar? Then Clothilde Dussolier's podcast is for you! This life coach with a bright smile breaks down each topic with examples, explanations and practical tools. Over 200 episodes await you, ready to make you happier and more fulfilled in your daily life. 

Listen here 

3 - Vulgaire, the podcast that popularizes general culture

Tired of talking about maternity, swaddles and baby food? Want to learn a few tricks you can use at fancy brunches and to impress your in-laws by the pool? Our latest favorite is called Vulgaire, a podcast about popularizing stuff... by someone who knows nothing about it. Rest assured, you won't learn to swear like a cartoonist, but you will learn a little more about the Popular Front or the Vikings, and you'll be asking for more, thanks in particular to the caustic humor of Marine Baousson, founder and host of Vulgaire but also a humorist (that's promising). Marine recently launched "Petit Vulgaire", the kids' version. A nugget worth knowing.

Listen here 

4 - Bliss, or unfiltered motherhood

Bliss is THE podcast to listen to before, during and after pregnancy. Founder and host Clémentine Galey speaks best of Bliss: "There was a kind of urgency to offer women a space where they could speak freely, without filters; where all maternity-related subjects are tackled without judgment or taboo, but with connivance and benevolence. Every day I'm driven by an incompressible desire to inform, share, pass on and relieve women's guilt." The young woman interviews celebrities and strangers on a specific theme: prematurity, adoption, MAP, perinatal bereavement, obstetric violence, fatherhood... Each episode is like a sweet treat. At once guilt-relieving and delicious.

Listen here

5 - Good for you, by Ali Rebeihi 

In his program on France Inter, journalist Ali Rebeihi welcomes doctors, psychologists, professors... pros who speak to us with poetry and simplicity about everyday subjects: societal issues, lifestyles, psychology, family, education, health, love relationships, sexuality... This summer, the team has already tackled the benefits of train travel, the stress of moving house, the art of napping... A wide range of subjects that will speak to everyone.

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6 - Matrescence or the birth of mothers

Clémentine is the other Madame Podcast Maternité we love. This slasher (TV journalist, yoga teacher...) welcomes expert guests to share their discoveries on parenting, the postpartum period and infants. These episodes are interspersed with testimonials from "normal" parents like you and us. In fact, the philosophy of this podcast is contained in its name: Matrescence. It's a contraction of the words maternity and adolescence, to explain the birth of a mother, the process a woman goes through at the moment of becoming a mother, whether on a physical, emotional, neurobiological or hormonal level. Our favorite episodes? Children's nutrition or the interview with Dc. Catherine Guegeun to better understand her little one's brain. 

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7 - Mom you rock (that says it all)

Mumpreneures, this podcast is for you. Every Wednesday or so, the Mom You Rock team and their guests discuss their careers and projects, as well as their multi-faceted roles as wife, mother and business leader. They share their experiences and advice. Experts also speak on topics related to entrepreneurship (business, new technologies, legal issues, productivity, mindset...). The idea behind all this? To inspire, encourage and unburden you, but above all to give you the impetus to turn your projects and ideas into reality. A breath of sisterhood for women entrepreneurs! 

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8 - Les couilles sur la table (voted best podcast title)

Behind this poetic name, you'll hear the gentle voice of Victoire Tuaillon. In each episode, the journalist and author talks in depth with a guest about an aspect of contemporary masculinities. Her credo? You're not born a man, you become one. Patriarchy, being a father, mother-father equality... Essential episodes that deserve to be listened to a thousand times over. A bon entendeur...

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9 - Mères, the Louves podcast

Marion and Marine form the duo behind Les Louves, an online magazine dedicated to motherhood. The two journalists launched their podcast in 2020 to offer an audio format to their community. They host young moms who share their experiences of motherhood. The guests open up spontaneously and intimately about their experiences. The podcast is for listening during and after pregnancy...

Listen here

10 - The whirlwind

The whirlwind is the feeling you get when a child comes into your life! It's like being swept along in a great river that mixes fast-moving water with the calm of fresh water. Shane Love, founder of Le Tourbillon, welcomes moms who share their stories to light the way for other (future) mothers. 

Listen here

And if you like audio formats, you can listen to Charlie Crane founder Thomas Lépine in the Decoder - the podcast about today's interior designers. 

Happy listening and happy vacations! 

For our English-speaking readers, here are our 3 favorite podcasts in the language of Shakespeare: 

  1. The Longest Shortest Time (is an award-winning podcast about parenting in all its forms. But you don't have to be a parent yourself to listen! 
  2. The Double Shift is a program that questions the status quo of motherhood in the United States. The program features candid conversation and groundbreaking journalism. That's what it's all about! 
  3. What Fresh Hell is a parenting podcast with 3.5 million downloads. If you're looking for some guilt-free advice and a good laugh about your new life as a parent, then you've come to the right place.